Library & Records Management Branch
The Legal Library
The Library Section provides legal information services and resources both in paper form and electronic. The service provided covers Head office including the 3 branch libraries in the Constitutional Offices of Public Prosecutor, Public Solicitor, and the Constitutional & Law Reform Commission in Port Moresby and 14 branch libraries in the main regional centres in the country.
The Library Services supports and add value to the outputs of the Attorney-General, the Constitutional Office Holders, the Solicitor-General, the State Solicitor and the lawyers of the department.
The Law Officers and the lawyers of the Department collectively service a very wide variety of legal requirements. They cover the whole spectrum of legal work in the provision of sound legal advice, clearances and policies, effective litigation, prosecutions and legal assistance.
In addition, the lawyers of the Department carry significant workloads, both in terms of the number of cases, and in the potential impact on the national budget and law and order in the country.
The quality and standard of legal advices and opinions provided to the government-of-the-day, client departments and various court submissions in litigation work by the Legal Branches of the Department depend very much on the library and the materials contained therein.
In order for lawyers to deliver the best possible legal advice, opinions and court submissions, it is very important that the availability of accurate and reliable up-to-date legal information resources is very essential to improve the performance of lawyers and law officers. This also includes the Attorney-General who is the Principal Legal Adviser to the National Executive Council and to strengthen the democratic process.
The Library must therefore reflect this very wide range of interests and responsibilities by providing the most reliable and appropriate law materials and the information essential to support the lawyers in their work.
The Library Collection, and the Information Services provided by the Library Staff are therefore of crucial importance to the work of the Department.
Records Management & Archival Services
The Records & Registry Services maintains the Department’s filing records, and registry of mailing system, and archival and disposal of all the closed legal files and other important files from Human Resources staff and salary files and Property files.
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