Human Resources Management Branch
The goal of the Human Resource Management Branch is to work strategically with the Department’s Management and staff to achieve both the organizational and individual goals. It is a Branch created under the Corporate Affairs & General Administration Division of the Department.
The Human Resource Management Branch is responsible for administering and facilitating all human resources and personnel matters on behalf of the Department of Justice & Attorney General (DJAG). This includes;
- Co-ordinate staff training & development
- Organizational Development and Manpower Planning
- Recruitment and Selection
- Leave and Attendance administration
- Induction Training
- Evaluation and monitoring of staff performance
- Management of personnel and payroll system
- Disciplinary process facilitation
- Senior Management Contracts administration
- Employee and industrial relations
- Housing administration
- Cross Cutting Issues awareness
- Occupational health and safety
In February 2008, the Branch took on the additional responsibilities under the devolution of powers from the Department of Personnel Management. The department was selected as one of the pilot agencies, as a central agency. After its successful pilot program the department has acquired greater powers to manage its own affairs, including the recruitment of staff, the handling of disciplinary matters and organization development. These powers are with the Department Head. The attainment of these powers has greatly improved service delivery and accountability from the HRM Branch in supporting the Departmental Head in exercising the powers.
The Branch co-ordinates internal and external training programs for the staff of the department including both legal officers and non-legal personnel.
These training programmes are focused around improving employee skills and competencies to perform their current jobs, improve their performance and prepare themselves for higher level positions with the Department or the Public Service.
On-the-Job Training, short and long term development courses, seminars and conferences. This program is greatly affected due to funding constraints. However we have provided costings for 2011.
Short/long term courses, attachments, seminars and conferences are facilitated annually. This program is not affected because it is Donor funded. As and when approved by the sponsor, we facilitate participation by our officers.
Departmental Training Policy and Annual Plan have been developed and circulated still awaiting feedback from the various branches. However, both documents were endorsed in principle by the Senior Managers at the Motupore Island retreat.
The branch is responsible for administering for facilitating personnel matters, salaries and allowances and entitlements of the entire staff of the Department.
The Payroll Team will continue to improve on providing accurate and timely payroll services to staff and managers of the department.
Staff appraisal system is used by the Department to assess, monitor and evaluate staff performances. It is a tool to measure past performance and future career development purposes.
The Human Resource Management branch facilitates the system on annual basis. The system assesses the staff performance for the purposes of salary increments, future developments through training and discipline under performers. We have conducted three awareness workshops in the region for Supervisors to reiterate the importance of conducing staff appraisal.
The existing organization structure of the Department was approved on the 26th November 2008, and started implementation in 2009. The implementation of the restructure is phased over (3) three years. During the year (2010) we conducted three batches of Selection and Recruitment exercise. Selection and recruitment for Batch No.03 exercise took place in December and actual engagement of personnel spill over to 2011.
The Department’s Total Establish stands at 593 positions, which is an increase of 309. Despite the major restructure, minor restructures were done to the following branches, State Solicitor’s Office, Solicitor General’s Office, Information Management Branch and the Public Curator’s Office, approved on 24th August 2010.
Therefore the new Establishment of the Department is 621. Our current staff on strength stands at 381 with 92 Lawyers and 289 other personnels employed across the country.
In addition to the General Orders the Department developed internal HR policies to effectively administer various matters including, Housing, Training, Corporate Wear, HIV/AIDS and Equal Employment Opportunity. Another policy has been recently distributed that relates to administration of SDMA, basically a performance based allowance.
The Department purchased two (2) blocks of Units for staff in NCD. These two (2) properties are at (Hodava) Boroko Section 3, Allotment 11 and (Gordons) Hohola Section 90, Allotment 10.
Serving officers are allocated units on rental basis at both Boroko and Gordons. We have also purchased 10 houses at Gerehu Stage 3B. Allocation made and tenants will take occupancy in the near future.
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