It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the Department of Justice & Attorney General's website. I encourage you to browse through the website to learn more about the Department.
The Department of Justice and Attorney General (DJAG) is the lead agency in the Law & Justice Sector in the country and is one of the complex government agencies that comprise four divisions and over 20 branches and units.
The Department has been one of the most important State and Public entities in the country since independence. DJAG was the birthplace for some of the current Law & Justice agencies in place today, including the Office of the Public Solicitor, Office of the Public Prosecutor, and others, as well as newly established agencies such as the Office of the Public Trustee, Office of the Solicitor General, Office of the State Solicitor, National Narcotics Bureau, Oceans Affairs Office, Land Commissions, and Human Rights Secretariat.
With the complexity of the Department's structure, we strive to present ourselves in a way that is easily accessible by our clients.
As you browse through our website, I am confident that you will find a great deal about what the department is made up of, what it does, and the kind of services that it provides to assist the State and the people of this beautiful country, Papua New Guinea.
May God bless Papua New Guinea.
Thank you,
Dr. Eric Kwa, PhD
Secretary for Justice
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